Our Core Values

At Kevron, we consider our people as the source of our success and we set high standards of performance and ethical behaviours. We are judged by how we act – our reputation is upheld by how we live up to our core values of integrity, service, reliability, respects for people, competency and better outcome are shared amongst all.

Our corporate values are a critical part of who we are as a company. They are our fundamental beliefs. They guide our actions. They influence the way we work and the way we engage with our customers.

Our six (6) core values are integrity, service, reliability, and respect for people, competency and better outcome. The Kevron Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics help everyone at Kevron to act in line with these values and comply with all relevant legislation and regulations.

Kevron Group's Core Values
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  • We ensure our staff are competent to undertake proposed work
  • We ensure persons working under our authority or supervision are competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them.
  • We ensure our staff undertake appropriate continuing professional development and record it in the manner prescribed by us.
  • We ensure that we make our clients and others who may be affected by our activities aware of our levels of competence and limits.
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We are fully committed and dedicated to our customers. You can count on us and on our products and services. With efficiency and discipline, we give our best to deliver consistent top quality products and services, and meet customer demands. We do what we say. We fulfill expectations and keep promises.

The core value of the organisation lies in professional and reliable staff who gives their best to provide high-quality service to meet different customer needs and to ensure the group’s success. At Kevron, we fulfil our promises to customers, employees and partners, and keep confidential any information concerning customers, partners and their companies.

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Respect for People

  • We cooperate fully with our customers, business partners and Professional Institutions that we are member of and abide by its Charter, Byelaws and Regulations.
  • We respect the rights and privacy of other people and organizations.
  • Cooperate with our clients in fulfilling their legal duties under the terms of our consultancy contracts.
  • We have due regard for the effect our professional activities may have on others.
  • We ensure that our professional and business activities are reasonable.
  • We respond promptly and appropriately to disputes and complaints.
  • We treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
  • We values different cultures and beliefs, and show this in day-to-day words and actions.
  • We display respect for and awareness of individual differences.
  • We seek out, listen to, and respect the ideas and opinions of others.
  • We engage in honest and direct communication at all levels in the organization.
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  • We are honest, trustworthy and ethical in our actions.
  • We demonstrate accountability for decisions and actions to stakeholders, guests and fellow staff.
  • We develop and encourage open and honest work practices and relationships.
  • We take personal responsibility for actions and behaviours. Maintains confidentiality and loyalty.
  • We deliver on actions promised and honour our commitments.
  • We avoid conflicts of interest wherever possible and if one arises we promptly take appropriate steps to manage it.
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Focused on better Outcomes

  • We encourage a participatory work environment and committed to working with, and learning from, others.
  • We remain a positive role model to both our internal and external customers and stakeholders
  • We adopt a positive approach in change.
  • We are always looking for ways to deliver our services better.
  • We accept personal responsibility to drive improvements in the way things are done.
  • We demonstrate a commitment to teamwork and sharing knowledge, resources and skills.
  • We demonstrate professionalism and we have high expectations of both own and others’ performance.
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  • We ensure that the terms of appointment and scope of work are clearly recorded in writing.
  • We ensure that, where necessary, we have adequate licensing authority or professional membership to provide consultancy services in our specified areas of service.
  • We carry out professional work in a timely manner.
  • We ensure that our professional advice is accurate, proportionate and communicated in an appropriate format.
  • We have due regard for levels of service and customer care reasonably expected of us.
  • We inform any person overruling or neglecting our professional advice of the potential adverse consequences and keep a written record of the date, time and nature of this action.